Looking at Toyo through the numbers


Figures reveal the current state of Toyo.

Toyo was founded in January 1955 and has been growing for over 60 years.
In 2023 Toyo achieved a sales record of 119.2 billion yen (consolidated sales), the highest in our field.

  • Founded


  • Sales(consolidated sales for business year ending March 2023)

    119.2billion yen

Toyo's employees represent a varied group of active and successful people.
Our compnay is characterized by many specialists in consonance with power of youth.

  • Consolidated Employees


  • Average Age

    35.9years old

Toyo has established 22 offices in Japan, focusing on the region in Aichi Prefecture as the center of manufacturing industries.
Toyo has established 38 locations overseas in Asia, North and Central America, and Europe to offer services in an optimum manner similar to those practiced in Japan.

  • Number of Offices in Japan


  • Number of Overseas Offices


An impressive 36 percent of Toyo's partners have, through business skills honed in Japan,
expanded their operations to the global stage. Our own global network, covering ten countries, serves as a "thank-you" to our customers.

  • Global Network


  • Percentage of staff who
    have experience working abroad
